All Things Bookish

Author Chat with Marji Laine on Writing, Publishing, and Choosing Joy

This author chat has been years in the making. Back in the fall of 2016, I signed with Marji Laine’s publishing house, Write Integrity Press, for my three-book Rogues trilogy. Just last month, she and I worked together to release updated covers in honor of The Revisionary turning four years old this year.

Today, I’m honored for you to meet this gifted lady. She is not only a publisher and author advocate, but she is also a multi-published author and creative herself. Please join me in welcoming Marji Laine to the blog today as she shares about her publishing story and invites you to enjoy one of her novellas for free.

Q: What is one random fact about yourself that not many people know?

I won the opportunity to be part of a collaboration, THE CHRISTMAS TREE TREASURE HUNT, which became my first published book. It hit the Amazon bestseller list, catapulting me and the other authors to the top 100 list. I was #47, just ahead of Leo Tolstoy, for eight solid days! LOL!

Q: Your books blend together mystery, suspense, and romance. When did you first discover your love for writing? Did you ever imagine you would have your own publishing services one day?

I have been writing since the second grade when my best friend and I “wrote” a movie. Yes, we even got out paper and pencils and wrote the scenes. I don’t actually remember anything more than it was a police drama, but I do remember that eight-year-old self thought it was brilliant! LOL!

About a decade ago, I spoke to my husband about me giving up my scrapbooking home business (which I had done as a consultant for about 10 years) and focusing on writing with a view toward publication. He told me then that he was behind me 100%, but that my writing might not actually be for publication. It might be that the Lord was training me for something else, maybe teaching writing sometime in the future. I just smiled and nodded with the gleam of the New York Times Bestsellers list in my mind’s eye.

Flash forward a half-dozen years. My agent had retired, I had a series of indie-pub books out, and my first novel contract had been signed when I was approached to take over the workings of Write Integrity Press. I was floored! My hubby had been right about what God was going to do with my writing career. I still had books in me, but supporting the 23 authors who were already working on their next books delighted me. I stepped into the role as the new senior editor, knowing full well that I had a lot to learn. But God is good! He provided support and answers for me at just the right time and gave me the abilities I needed to publish almost sixty books in the last four years.  

Q: Today, we’re featuring your novel GRIME BEAT on the blog. Would you share what inspired you to write this story, or how this story began?

I had a workshop recording from a woman whose father was the coroner in a rural county. I must have listened to that recording 4 or 5 times. At one point, she listed all the jobs that could be connected to an investigation. One of them was a crime scene cleaner. I’d never thought about the fact that someone would have to clean up the grossness of a crime scene. I connected that person to a crime scene specialist that couldn’t stand making mistakes, and I had the beginnings of a story. Add that the crime scene cleaner is also in witness protection and this one book spread into a series of five books.

Q: What message do you hope readers will take away from this novel or your other stories in general?

My characters are broken and in impossible situations, but they show authentic faith in the Lord and are carried through the twists and turns. My greatest hope is that readers are inspired to strengthen their own faith – remembering their first love – in Christ.

Q: As an author and publisher, you wear many hats! Would you briefly share about the services you offer aspiring authors to help them share their stories?

I have learned so much from publishing your books along with those of our other authors at Write Integrity Press. And along the way, I’ve met many people who have a book to publish but want to do so as an independent author. The trouble is, they don’t know the industry well enough to navigate what paths to take toward publication.

I’ve started a freelance option at Write Integrity Press whereby authors can receive support in:

  • editing
  • cover design
  • interior design
  • formatting

I also coach the author, one-on-one, through the actual publishing of the book on Amazon and teach all the elements of the author’s website there. I’ve worked with some wonderful authors over the past couple of years since I opened up this option. And I love that even more quality stories and non-fiction books are being placed into the hands of those who need them.

Q: “Enjoy where you are while you’re there” is a lesson you taught your kids. Why is being present such an important practice for choosing joy, whether we’re writers or pursuing some other passion?

Most of the things I always told/tell my kids are actually things I need to hear. But this one is special. I realize that stress builds in me a need to “get past things.” When I directed a children’s choir, I LOVED it, but I still would say, “As soon as we get past the musical, I’ll be able to breathe and do things I enjoy again.” Can I say again that I LOVED directing that children’s choir! It was one of the things I enjoyed, and yet I needed to get past the stress of it.

For my kids, this first came up when they were invited to a pizza place full of games. Their friends were going and wanted them to join in. But it was the same afternoon that we were celebrating a family birthday at my mom’s house. One of my girls had a pouty face for the entire car trip. She was good to paste on a smile when she greeted her grandmother but continued to pout in front of me. I finally pulled her aside and gave her my advice to enjoy where she was while she was there. Then I reminded her that she could have a good time with her cousin like her brother and sisters were if she wanted to, or she could waste the playtime wishing for what she couldn’t have.

Thankfully she made a good choice. But it can be true of me as much as it was of her. I live in Texas, and we lost power in February with some of the coldest temperatures in my lifetime. But we were okay; we had fun even, like we were doing some indoor camping around our fireplace and using the outdoor grill to warm our food. When the electricity finally did come back on for good – about three days later – I realized that I no longer had the Hallmark Channel on my TV. Horrors! Talk about a sulky girl! I had to remind myself again of all the fun I’d had without any TV or internet – wow, really? – and get over living without my go-to station for a few days.

Contentment – being satisfied, but not complacent – is the essence of choosing joy.

Q: How can readers stay in touch with you?

I’m on and am often keeping my website,, updated.

My newsletter is the best way to keep up with me. Anyone signing up will receive the link to a free book. You can use this link to sign up.

Q: Can you share about what new project(s) you have in the works?

I’m actually working on a new series that is based on GRIME BEAT, the book that is free today. Tasha Sanderson has a new law degree in a new town and the complications that can only come from finding a dead body. Nine new mysteries – at least – will start coming out early in 2022.

Until then, enjoy a free e-copy of GRIME BEAT, the first of the 5-book Grime Fighter Mystery series. And keep an eye out for the launch of D-Street Mysteries coming soon.

About the Author

Marji Laine is a graduated home-schooling mom of four with two college students staying in the nest for a little longer. She and her hubby of 34 years also share their North Texas home with a rescue pup named Rosie. Marji loves acting in musical comedy and family game nights. She has directed many stage productions, leads a ladies Bible study, and sings in her church choir. She prefers mountains to beaches, dogs to cats, NASCAR to football, Magnolia pie, white roses, Tex-Mex, and Hallmark Movies and Mysteries. You can find her at her website:

About Grime Beat

Marji Laine brings an exciting new voice to readers who love romance, mystery and suspense with her debut release, Grime Beat. Great dialogue and characters leap off every page in this fast-paced story-line of the first novella in the Grime Fighters collection.—Elizabeth Goddard, author of BURIED, UNTRACEABLE, and BACKFIRE.

Her best friend missing, every cell in Dani Foster’s body screams something is wrong.

Crime scene cleaning is the perfect job for relocated Dani Foster. But her orders to maintain a low profile and stay out of trouble mean little when her friend goes missing. Suspicions point to the handsome crime scene specialist, Jay Hunter, but he’s also the only person willing to help Dani. Dare she trust him even when lies seem to surround him?

Dani amuses Jay. Her penchant for speaking and acting without regard to the consequences land her in the funniest situations. But her latest moves have thrust her into serious danger. As he learns more about her circumstances, the stakes rise until her very life is on the line. He has no time or inclination for romance, but this girl needs him, and she seems to have no one else. How can he turn his back?

This is the first episode of this Christian Mystery and Romance series set in Dallas, Texas. Dani’s troubles and Jay’s attraction are only just beginning!

Download your free copy.