Faith in the Everyday

Theme for 2022: Believe for It

Happy New Year, friends! I am thankful for new beginnings and a new 365 days.

Each year, I like to share a theme that God is laying on my heart. As I thought about a theme for 2022, I wanted to build off last year’s theme of “no fear” with a hopeful perspective.

Truth is, last year gave us all plenty to be fearful about, and I struggled with fear more than once. My prayer for 2022 is that I will believe God for everything that concerns me.

For one, my next novel is set to release this December, and I am believing God that He will use this story to touch lives. I must intentionally choose not to worry about the process and all the hundreds of details that must fall into place to make this book available. Yes, I must do my part, but ultimately, I am believing Him for the release of this book.

We all have hopes and dreams for the new year. Instead of doubting if God will provide for those desires, let’s choose to believe that He will work in the best way possible.

My theme is inspired by CeCe Winans’ song, “Believe for It.” If you haven’t heard this song before, please take a moment to listen.

The lyrics are so powerful and remind me:

  • God can move immovable obstacles.
  • God can make a way when there seems to be no way.
  • God can change any circumstance.
  • God can turn the impossible into the possible.
  • Hope is never lost, because Jesus defeated sin and death to make a way for us.
  • God always has the final say in every detail of our lives.

Remember what the angel told the teenage virgin Mary? Naturally, she was overwhelmed with the news that she, a virgin, would bear a son. And so, she asked a simple question: How can this be?

The angel’s response not only calmed her fears and explained how her baby would be conceived of the Holy Spirit, but also gave her confidence with this beautiful promise:

“For with God nothing will be impossible” (Luke 1:37 NKJV).

Nothing. Is. Impossible.

This truth grounds me as we begin a new year. Let’s not dig up more doubts or worries. Let’s trust that we serve the God of impossible things who has a good and perfect plan for our lives this year.

Believe for it.

~ Kristen