All Things Bookish

Author Chat with Julie Lavender on Her Book, Children’s Bible Stories for Bedtime

I am so excited to welcome my friend Julie Lavender back to the blog! Last year, she shared about her book, 365 Ways to Love Your Child, and today, she’s talking about her new book to help children discover God’s love for them through Bible bedtime stories. If you have a child ages 4-8, this book would be a perfect way to start off the New Year in God’s Word.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

Julie: I don’t have one of those fun stories like so many of my writer friends, the ones who knew from the time they were a little kid that they wanted to be a writer. Even though I enjoyed reading as a child, I didn’t even think about being a writer until I was in the classroom as an elementary school teacher. As a teacher, I fell even more in love with children’s literature than when I was a kid. I thought about writing a children’s book of my own, and when I became a stay-at-home mom, I tried my hand at a number of kids’ manuscripts. Well, I met with lots of rejections, but I realized I knew nothing about writing. So, I decided to attend a few conferences and do research to learn more about the craft of writing. I had success in other areas, but not in a children’s book. It took a very long time to get that “first children’s book” – over thirty years, but that finally happened this year when Children’s Bible Stories for Bedtime came out for kids 4-8. 

What prompted you to write a children’s Bible story book for bedtime?

Julie: Well, the idea for the book actually came from the publisher. Zeitgeist, an imprint of Penguin Random House, came up with the topic, and I was blessed to be chosen to write the book!

When your children were growing up, did you have special bedtime reading traditions?

Julie: When my kids were growing up, we read SO many books!! I wanted them to love kids’ books so much that if they ever asked to read a book, I typically made every effort to stop what I was doing to read to them. So, we read off and on all during the day, but it was our routine to read several books before rocking for nap time, and before going to bed at night. We read lots of books – sometimes I picked them, sometimes they did. And, they always wanted, “Just one more.” I have really fond memories of reading to the kids. We didn’t always read a Bible story before bedtime, but we’d incorporated a Bible story into our homeschooling each day. Now that I’ve had the opportunity to write this book, I know the value of sharing Bible stories with a child just before he or she falls asleep, and I wish I would’ve done that with my own kids!

Do you have a favorite Bible story? If so, why do you treasure it so much?

Julie: I have a lot of favorites, and I especially love some of the lesser-known stories from the Bible. But, if I had to pick, I’d probably say the birth of Jesus is my very favorite. When I think about how the Savior of the world came as a precious little baby, so loved by his earthly parents, and was laid in a lowly manger, it just makes me love that story so much! I think about the births of my own children, and how much I loved them from the minute they were born, and I think about Mary knowing that she was holding the Savior of the world. I love that she “treasured and pondered” all these things! She didn’t boast or proclaim his birth loudly – she let the shepherds and angels do that – she just held Jesus close and pondered! Such a beautiful story!

I love the idea of helping children end their days in God’s Word and with the assurance of His presence. Why do you think this practice is so important for children?

Julie: The state of the world these days, with sickness and suffering and injustices and just so so many scary challenges and dilemmas, can give kids so much to think about as they are trying to fall asleep at night. When kids immerse themselves in God’s Word by hearing or reading a Bible story, they are encouraged to think about the character of God and relish the warmth of his never-ending love. Pondering these inspiring stories and stories of God’s promises to “never leave nor forsake” is the perfect, calming way to end the day and fall asleep in the comfort of God’s presence and peace.

What is your prayer for parents and children who read this book?

Julie: I pray every day that little ones, and the adults who love them, will fall more in love with God’s Word, one treasured Bible story at a time, each time they snuggle together and read from the book.

About Julie Lavender

Julie Lavender, whose maiden name is “Bland,” jokes that she traded her dull name for a colorful one. Julie is a former homeschooling mom with a Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education. David and Julie are parents of four, in-laws of one, and grandparents to a precious toddler.

Julie is the author of Children’s Bible Stories for Bedtime, published by Zeitgeist/Penguin Random House, and 365 Ways to Love Your Child: Turning Little Moments into Lasting Memories, published by Revell. She writes for newspapers, magazines, book compilations, online blogs and was a 2014 Guideposts Writing Contest winner.

Julie was thrilled to take part in a Focus on the Family Broadcast interview that aired in early January of this year.

She co-authored two devotionals and authored a homeschooling devotional, slumber party planning book, and three teacher resource booklets.

About Children’s Bible Stories for Bedtime

Kids can wind down with inspiring children’s Bible stories and connect with God at bedtime.

With this collection of children’s first Bible stories, parents and kids can calmly end the day together in the comfort of God’s presence and peace. These favorites of key biblical figures and their ancient adventures inspire young curious minds to build a relationship with God and ponder about His never-ending love.  

Whether your child reads kids Bible storybooks aloud or simply listens, the practice of reading at bedtime will remind your child that God is always with them—from morning until night, and even while they sleep.  

Get Your Copy.


  • Julie Lavender

    Thank you so much, Kristen, for this fun opportunity to share about my newest book! You’re such an awesome writer-cheerleader and encourager, and I truly appreciate you! What a blessing you are to me! My prayer is that many children, and the adults who love them, will draw nearer to the Lord with each Bible story they share together from my book!! Thank you!

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      It’s my pleasure, Julie!! I love seeing how God is using you to reach children and families. Blessings to you!!

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      I agree, Melissa! I love the idea of giving this book as a gift or sharing with the children in our lives.

    • Julie Lavender

      Thank you, Melissa, for your sweet words! I appreciate you very much! And, my prayer is for all those children and grandchildren to enjoy God’s Word, one treasured Bible story at a time!!!

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      Thanks for your comment, Mark! I agree that this one will bless children and families.

  • Julie Lavender

    Mark, thank you so much for your kind words!! It’s my prayer every single day that sweet little kiddos, and the adults who love them, will fall more and more in love with God’s Word, with each treasured Bible story they read or hear from my book! I hope they always hide His word in their hearts and draw near to Him in the process! Thanks for the comment!