• Author Chat with Julie Lavender on Her Book, Strength for All Seasons

    Life has more than the four seasons we use to mark the passage of time. As the mom of a young toddler, I feel as though I have already experienced so many new seasons: from fresh baby snuggles to actually playing outside with my boy and watching the wonder on his face as he discovers new experiences. All those milestones–from sitting to crawling to babbling to walking to attempting to talk–are just the tip of the iceberg of the seasons motherhood presents. As I’m learning, each one brings its joys and its challenges. My friend and gifted author Julie Lavender wrote a book to encourage women in all seasons of…

  • Author Chat with Julie Lavender on Her Book, Children’s Bible Stories for Bedtime

    I am so excited to welcome my friend Julie Lavender back to the blog! Last year, she shared about her book, 365 Ways to Love Your Child, and today, she’s talking about her new book to help children discover God’s love for them through Bible bedtime stories. If you have a child ages 4-8, this book would be a perfect way to start off the New Year in God’s Word. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? Julie: I don’t have one of those fun stories like so many of my writer friends, the ones who knew from the time they were a little kid that…

  • Author Chat with Julie Lavender on Her Book, 365 Ways to Love Your Child

    When we think of love, our minds typically run toward romantic love, especially around Valentine’s Day. While I will forever champion the sacred, intimate love between a husband and wife, I am also so grateful for the other types of love that enrich my life. Married or single, we can all choose to experience God’s love for us as our Savior, Lord, and Father. We all also have parents, and many of you are parents yourselves. The parent-child relationship is an incredible opportunity to express love. That’s why today, I am so excited and honored to introduce you to my friend Julie Lavender who shares about her new book 365…