All Things Bookish

Happy Release Day to Take My Hand!

Hello, World! Release day for Take My Hand is finally here! Thank you to everyone who has been cheering on this book, and I hope you can dive in to Kaley and Reef’s story this Christmas season. It’s available in both paperback and Kindle versions, and in a few months, it should also be available in audio format. (I’ll keep you updated when my publisher provides more details.) Grab your copy here or through your preferred bookseller.

How do I feel? I could use a winter’s hibernation from the flurry of blog post writing, final release details, and of course, my baby and his unpredictable naps. Instead, I’m going to make another cup of coffee and savor this moment. I may be tired, but I’m so very grateful for the opportunity to share this story with you and to have the precious gift of my baby who is proud of his mama (even if he doesn’t know it yet) haha. Enjoy his precious pictures!

You can also listen in to a special podcast interview with Chautona Havig on her Because Fiction podcast where we talk about my writing journey and all things Take My Hand. I’d love for you to listen and laugh right along with us by clicking here. You can also read her related blog post.

Let me know when you read Take My Hand! I’d love to hear from you.

~ Kristen