All Things Bookish

Book Buzz on The Revisionary

Even though The Revisionary released in 2017, it remains increasingly relevant to our times. After all, living in 2020 has somewhat felt like living in a dystopian novel (where anything that can go wrong probably will go wrong).

That said, my desire in writing The Revisionary and the other two books in the trilogy was to show hope through dark circumstances. Specifically, my characters find that hope by rediscovering America’s heritage. I want my readers to walk away feeling inspired to press on and do what’s right even if they’re swimming against the popular current.

I’m honored to share an excerpt from this latest book review. For more details and to learn more about this reviewer’s blog, keep reading.


“I’ve seen one dystopian movie and have never been particularly interested in the genre, but after looking at the reviews for The Revisionary, I decided to give this book a try. The Revisionary is the first dystopian book I’ve read, and wow, does it set the bar high for other books in the genre. Five stars is not a high enough rating. The plot is incredible, the characters relatable, and the settings chilling …

The Revisionary is a powerful, thrilling read. Whatever your opinion of the dystopian genre, this is a book you have to add to your TBR list.”

Special thanks to Madi for sharing her in-depth review of The Revisionary on her blog! To read the full review or share it with a friend, click here.

To grab your own copy of The Revisionary, visit the Amazon page where you can choose either paperback or Kindle formats.

~ Kristen

The Revisionary is a powerful, thrilling read. Whatever your opinion of the dystopian genre, this is a book you have to add to your TBR list.” ~ Madi’s Musings on @khogrefeparnell