Writing Workshops
The following are some available workshop topics to equip writers in reaching their audiences with excellence. Additional topics are available, and Kristen would be delighted to tailor them to meet your conference’s needs. Please contact her with a request to discuss in more detail.
Create Memes and More with Canva

You’ve probably seen the memes that writers share on social media—with stunning photography and personalized text. Maybe you don’t think you’re much of a designer, but the good news is that you don’t have to be! Canva has been called the “easiest to use design program” and offers both free and professional accounts. In this course, we’ll explore this online tool for designing memes, business cards, email signatures, social media banners, and more. If you want to streamline your online platform’s visuals or simply create inspiring or motivational images to share, this course is for you. Bring your laptop, and be prepared to participate.
- Intro to Canva: Account Options
- Elements of Design
- Demo and Examples
- Your Turn!
Use Pinterest to Engage Readers & Define Your Blog

As writers, we know we need blogs to communicate with our readers, but so often, we struggle to create content they will care about. Pinterest can be a tool, not only to engage readers, but also to identify what interests our readers and we have in common. Plus, unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest is a search engine, which means our content won’t expire. When Pinterest and blogging join forces, you can find yourself generating new content ideas and having fun in the process! Learn more about Pinterest in this hands-on workshop and how you can both enjoy this platform and make it work for you.
- Pinterest 101 for Writers
- Using Boards
- Quality Content Pins
- Blog Integration
The Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey refers to the common elements that form most stories. Although the stages of the journey may vary depending on the genre, they remain present through all of literature. In this course, we break down those stages and view them as a roadmap for writing our own fiction. Whether you’re just starting a new project or ready to revise a newly completed one, this course will help you analyze your characters and plot to eliminate plot holes and tighten your storyline. Practical, hands-on activities throughout the stages encourage you to practice with your own work-in-progress.
- Introduction
- Archetypes
- Stages of the Journey (12), broken down into modules with the following activities:
- Activity 1: Write Your Hero
- Activity 2: Character Timeline
- Activity 3: Identify the Call
- Activity 4: Create the Special World
- Activity 5: Plot the Ordeal
- Activity 6: Make Your Climax Sizzle, not Fizzle
- Activity 7: What is Your Hero’s “Elixir”?
- Wrap-up