All Things Bookish

The Growing Season: Giveaway and Book Review

Happy October, friends! I am so pleased to welcome this delightful month with a new book and giveaway you won’t want to miss. I had the pleasure of meeting author Sarah Philpott a few years back at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference when both our books won Selah awards. Now, Sarah has a new release called The Growing Season, a compilation of “down-on-the-farm devotions” for each month of the year. Each devotion reflects biblical truth presented in the growing seasons of farm life, experienced through her eyes.

Read on to learn more about The Growing Season and how you can enter to win your own copy.

About The Growing Season

In this book addressed to us “farm gals,” we can learn from Sarah’s wisdom whether we live on a farm or in urban America. Sarah speaks to the seasons of life we all experience using simple, vivid farm life examples. The devotional is broken down by the four seasons and further subdivided by months. With each month, we discover a different part of the growing season, which mirrors our own experiences.

Sarah’s personal stories make us feel right at home, and each devotional is grounded in biblical wisdom, helping us harvest truths to apply to our own lives. At the end of each devotional is either a reflection question, favorite farm recipe, prayer, or challenge for us to consider.

My Favorite Takeaways

Picking just one key takeaway from The Growing Season isn’t possible for me, so let me share a few. Enjoy these glimpses into a few devotionals that will enrich and challenge your walk with the Lord.

#1: “Good Soil on the Farm”

Sarah draws a beautiful analogy about how God can use the waste from animals for the good of the earth. The takeaway for us is that He can also the difficult times in our lives as a “springboard for growth” (22).

This thought is so encouraging to me since 2021 has been a hard year in many ways. What seems like wasted pain and disappointment can in fact be God’s raw material for growth in my life and for good that I can’t see (and may not see this side of glory).

#2: “Puddles on the Farm”

This devotional is so timely. Ever feel stuck in one of life’s thunderstorms? Sarah shares the story about how the weather seemed ominous to her, but her children couldn’t wait to frolic in the resulting puddles. The experience made her realize that “we can find glimmers of hope inside the storm” (66). When we know Jesus, we can find hope in our own storms too.

#3: “Oh, Deere”

Challenges and trials will come. It’s not a matter of if but when. Sarah offers wisdom and encouragement for facing them with the assurance that Jesus has already overcome our worldly troubles. She also reminds us that trials, though sometimes the result of sin, can also simply be “the side effects of life” (126).

Though no one enjoys suffering or hard times, they provide the practice of maturing our faith, turning to Jesus for help through them, and choosing joy in spite of them. As Sarah says, “Farm gal, perfection is not found on this earth; trials will occur. And when they do, we must pray to God about how to handle them (see James 1:5-8), then trust the path on which He directs us and believe that He is walking alongside us” (128).

#4: “Planting Pumpkins on the Farm”

To enjoy a pumpkin patch in the fall, farmers have to plant the seeds in June. So too, we must remember that just because we can’t see the fruit of the seeds we plant today doesn’t mean we won’t ever see the results. This analogy was so powerful to me. Sarah writes, “We have to surrender our worldly desire for immediacy and instead draw into the godly attribute of patience” (157).

These are just a sampling of the richness this devotional offers. Though I read this book over a long weekend, I anticipate restarting The Growing Season in January and savoring it through the next year.

Enter to Win Your Copy

The Growing Season is available for pre-order and will release October 12. Today, I’m also giving away one copy.

To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. You could comment on one of the ideas above or say why you think this book would be an encouragement to you or someone you know. You may also share my related posts on Facebook or Twitter. (Just be sure to tag me!)

A few considerations:

  1. You must be over 13 years of age to enter.
  2. You must have a US address. (Sorry to my international friends!)
  3. The winner’s name may be posted on this site and/or social media.
  4. While this contest may be shared on social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, this promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with these entities.

The giveaway runs through Sunday, October 17, and I’ll announce the winner on the blog and Facebook that week.

~ Kristen

Special thanks to the Blog About Blogger Network for hosting this giveaway.

All quotes are taken from: Philpott, Sarah. The Growing Season. Harvest House Publishers, 2021.

Congrats to our Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to Lisa for being the winner of the drawing for one copy of The Growing Season! Thank you to everyone who commented and participated.


      • Mrs. McDonald

        I know that I can benefit from this book. I feel we all have trials to go through. It is how we get through them is the biggest issues.

        • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

          Amen! I agree that how we approach trials is so important. Thanks for your comment, and I’ve entered you into the giveaway.

  • Linda Dreher

    I have a friend who is going through a rough season right now and I think she would definitely benefit from your stories.
    Thank you for the chance!

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      Hi Linda, thanks for your comment. I’m sorry to hear your friend is going through a tough time but agree that Sarah’s book would be an encouragement to her. I’ve entered you into the giveaway.

  • readswherevershegoes

    Ooh this looks like an intriguing read! 🙂 I had no idea pumpkin farmers had to plant seeds in June (but that makes sense now, as I think about it; ha!).

    I love fall and this book seems right up my alley!

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      I didn’t know that about pumpkins either (but it does make sense)! Thanks for your comment, and I’ve entered you into the giveaway.

  • Cheryl Barker

    Both sets of my grandparents farmed so I would love to read all of Sarah’s insights and lessons taken from their farming life.

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      Thanks for your comment, Cheryl. I think you would definitely enjoy this book and have entered you into the giveaway.

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      I love your attitude! You are so welcome. I’ve entered you into the giveaway.

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      Thanks, Lori! It is an encouraging book, and I agree that the cover is lovely.

  • Christi Perry

    I love this:
    “To enjoy a pumpkin patch in the fall, farmers have to plant the seeds in June. So too, we must remember that just because we can’t see the fruit of the seeds we plant today doesn’t mean we won’t ever see the results.”

    I’d also love to give this to my friend. She just left her full-time job to raise her two little boys and focus on her health as she’s been battling health issues. She actually grew up on a dairy farm so I think this book would totally encourage her. Thanks for all you do, Kristen. I’ll be praying December 2022 comes sooner than you expect ❤️

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      Thanks for your comment, Christi! I’m so sorry to hear about your friend’s health issues but agree this book would be an encouragement to her. Aww, and thanks! I know it will be here soon enough. 🙂

  • Lisa Murray

    My daughter is dealing with metastasized kidney cancer I think this book would be good for her

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      Oh, Lisa, I’m so sorry your daughter is having to deal with that. I’ve entered you into the giveaway.

  • Linda Horin

    I love all of these insights, but particularly the “Planting Pumpkins” one. I have found this so true, especially when praying for my children and grandchildren. Things don’t always come to fruition when we want them to, but God works it out in his own way with his perfect timing…always. In the process he has taught me not only parience, but trust and gratitude. Would love a copy of this!

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, Linda! I love the reminder that God works in his own way with his perfect timing. Blessings to you!

  • wen budro

    I like the Planting Pumpkins takeaway. Sometimes I lose sight of my progress because it’s not immediately visible. I like the idea that good things are growing even though I cannot see them.