• Finding Center in Life’s Turbulence

    In my recent travel adventures, I noticed the flight crew now refers to “turbulence” as “rough air.” I’m not sure why. “Rough air” sounds no less pleasant. Regardless of how we spin it, turbulence remains a reality for air travel and, honestly, for life in general. Sometimes, we don’t even have to be in the air to experience it. My last travel experience involved being grounded in a plane for two hours before the airline allowed us to disembark (due to weather). As I waited in the crowded plane, just ready to be home, I felt a rising frustration at my helplessness. I closed my eyes and tried to pray,…

  • Unchanging Identity in Christ

    Perhaps you’re overwhelmed by the insanity in our world or experiencing a personal trial or struggle. This week, I felt burdened to share a post I wrote a few years back that challenges us to stay grounded in our true identity. May it encourage you today. This world has a warped view of identity. The highest value is placed on having the biggest house, driving the newest car, being or having the trophy wife, earning the biggest buck, and living the “American dream.” People wear themselves out trying to impress and trying to get more. I think sometimes this mentality rubs off on Christians. We seek to find our value…