• My Personal Testimony: Life is a Gift

    Special thanks to Phyllis for inviting me to give my testimony on her blog Songs of Salvation! When she asked if I’d share, I realized that although you, my friends, get to know me through my stories and posts, I haven’t actually spelled out how and when God started working in my life. Today, my hope is that my testimony encourages you, wherever you are in your spiritual walk. My testimony I am truly grateful for my godly heritage and growing up in a Christian home, though an imperfect one. Regardless, my family’s faith wasn’t enough. I needed to make it mine. One Sunday, something the pastor said must have…

  • Don’t Throw Paint at a Heart Problem

    I feel a little guilty. The other day, I set a beautiful piece of furniture out by the road for trash pickup. However, before the garbage crew arrived, some unlucky person thought it was a steal and snatched it. What’s wrong with that? Let me back up the story. When I first purchased the hutch, it was ordinary and old, but with a friend’s help, I transformed it into a Pinterest-worthy piece. But there was one problem. While I thought it would look perfect in my home, a bug had already made it his home. I first suspected something was wrong when I moved the hutch from my parent’s garage…