How to Beat Burn-Out this Summer
Have you ever wished that summer break were mandatory for everyone? I certainly have, but wishful thinking gets us nowhere. However, those of us who work year round can still find ways to beat burn-out. Clear the calendar This item is the hardest for me. No matter how much I try, my weekly calendar (not counting work obligations) looks like ink exploded all over it. The only tip that seems to work is scheduling mandatory “do-not-disturb” time. If someone asks for that time, we can respond, “Sorry, but my calendar is booked.” It’s not a lie. We’ve set aside intentional time for ourselves (and our families), and honestly, that’s a…
The Command to Rest
If there’s one adjective we all use to describe our lives, it’s probably busy. Some days, I look at my list and wonder: How did all that get there? One item you won’t see on the to-do list is this: Rest. But I think we would all do well to add it. I’m not talking about lazy, couch-potato rest, although if we burn out our bodies to the point of illness, that sometimes becomes necessary. Instead, I’m talking about a quiet rest, a renewing rest, a distraction-free rest. What that looks like differs for each one of us, but here are some suggestions: Spending a quiet weekend morning with our…
3 Essentials for Race Day Readiness
My first half marathon is less than a week away! After months of following a training schedule and tracking mileage, I am beyond ready to start the actual race and reach that finish line. However, as I look back over my half-marathon training, I see practical lessons that apply to more than just race day. I hope they’ll encourage you in your personal goals and spiritual walk. #1: Get rest. The first time I ran 10 miles, I nearly passed out in the grocery store a few hours later. I was waiting behind another customer in the check-out line when a tidal wave of fatigue swept over me. Of course,…