• The Grass is Greener Where You Water It

    Springtime in Florida means greenery is in full bloom everywhere except my front yard. My poor yard. I’ve never had a green thumb, and when I bought my home, the previous owner clearly hadn’t possessed one either. But I do water. Or God does. But I suppose that to have green grass, one should have something other than weeds in the first place. I digress. This post isn’t about my lost-cause lawn. It’s actually about relationships and commitments in general-and sticking with them. What are you watering? I heard a pastor use this phrase when giving a talk on marriage. He said that there are three phases to marriage: 1)…

  • 6 Things Singles Need to Know about Marriage, Pt. 2

    If you missed last week, you’ll want to look back at the first in this two-part series by Tami Myer. In these posts, she maps out a beautiful and biblical perspective on marriage for Christian singles. Today, we pick up where we left off last time with the fourth thing singles should know about marriage. If this post is a blessing to you, please leave a comment below-or share it with your single friends to encourage them in their walk. *** #4. Marriage will not complete you. Single people are not “halves” waiting for their other “halves” to join them. Two single people are two complete people. But after a…

  • 6 Things Singles Need to Know about Marriage, Pt. 1

    Tami Myer is my friend and fellow writer who blogs about godly marriage and what that looks like. I asked her if she could share a biblical perspective on marriage for singles that we could apply to our walk now, and she graciously said yes. Whether you’re a teen, young adult, or adult who’s not yet married, it’s my hope that Tami’s two-part series will bless you as much as it has me. *** Why should singles care about the topic of marriage? If marriage is not on your radar or even on your wish list, you may think that the subject is not relevant for you right now. But regardless of your…

  • Love, Truth, Love

    You are in for a treat! My friend and writer Ashley Jones of BigSisterKnows.com is my guest here today. She and her husband Robby demonstrate how differences can complement each other. Are you more like Ashley or Robby? Read on to learn how each personality type has its own strength and weakness … and how these blended styles help us make the most of our relationships. Guest blog by BigSisterKnows.com My husband Robby and I have been happily married for over six years now. One of the reasons we work so well together is that neither of us likes drama. We prefer the simple life. But, sometimes, stuff happens and you just…

  • 2 Lies the Enemy Tells Us about Being Single

    This week’s post talked about God’s timing, and I think it’s “timely” that my guest post for DailyPS.com on singleness also published the same week. In every season of life, most of us would probably admit we’re “waiting” for something … to get through that advanced math class, to hear back on college applications, or to receive that long-awaited promotion. Many people are also waiting and wondering when their relationship status might change. Though I don’t often blog about singleness, I think this topic is important, because it’s often misunderstood. If you’re single or know someone who is, I’d encourage you to click over to DailyPS.com to read the full post.…

  • A Cord of Three Strands

    If you follow me on social media, you’ve probably seen the rescue kitten that now runs my house (only partially joking there). Good news is that low-to-no budget toys are often what makes kitty happiest. The other day, Mom gifted my little Ness with a red crochet strand with a jingle bell at the end. Turns out, it once belonged to some Christmas socks my great-aunt made me … a long time ago. Despite the years, those three strands remain tightly knit together, at least until my kitten gets the best of them. In the Bible, Solomon uses the visual of a three-strand cord to visualize why we need strong…