• Newborn Life: 12 Takeaways for Perspective

    He’s fed. We’re all alive. My teeth are brushed. Life with a newborn sets different standards for success. I knew the first few weeks would be hard, but really, nothing can prepare you for the sleep deprivation and postpartum stress. I can’t begin to imagine how anyone handles the newborn stage without a supportive spouse and lots of grace from Jesus. I’m very thankful for both! The good news is that the saying, “It gets easier,” is true. The last few weeks, we’ve started to find our rhythm, however imperfect. As I look back and see how far we’ve come, I find reoccurring takeaways that I hope I can apply…

  • If I Can Cook with Cast Iron, You Can Too.

    Did you or your kids ever watch “The Little Engine that Could” where the train puffed and puffed and told himself, “I think I can, I think I can”? Yes, I did too. While I’m all for positive vibes, I also believe in giving ourselves and others grace for making mistakes. As an online English teacher, I often tell my students, “It’s okay to make mistakes,” and “Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try at all.” The truth is, there have been many days I needed to give myself that same freedom to make mistakes and learn from them, especially when in the kitchen. Cooking as a…

  • Though She Fall: Takeaways of a First-Time Surfer

    I’m Florida born and raised, so learning to surf needed to happen at some point. The well-meaning worriers assumed I would be eaten by sharks. Good news is that didn’t happen, but I did gain a new respect for the sport and the life lessons it teaches. Watch, Learn, and Surf Humbly There’s a YouTube video that explains the top 10 mistakes first-time surfers make. If you’re interested in watching, click here. I’m pretty sure I broke all of them multiple times. When we’re growing up or learning anything new, people typically tell us: “Now don’t do this or that. You don’t want to make the same mistakes I did.”…