• Theme for 2023: Be Faithful

    I have been trying to type this post for almost two weeks now, but being a new mama often means choosing between getting sleep and working on a writing project. Nine times out of ten, sleep wins out. Whoever instructed a new mother to sleep when the baby sleeps wasn’t wrong. Even when I choose writing after our little boy’s bedtime, my plans don’t always work. Our sweet son struggles with “false starts” where he wakes about an hour into his night’s sleep. Yes, sleep is a struggle for us both right now, but ironically, my perpetual tiredness is a reminder of how blessed I am. My baby boy is…

  • Encouragement in the Back-Stage Seasons of Life

    If you’ve ever been part of a drama or Christmas production, you know that more work takes place off stage than on. I’m not discrediting the performance, but this is just a reality. Life is the same way. Although social media showcases the success stories, it doesn’t reflect all the behind-the-scenes work that made that moment possible. As a result, we can fall into the trap of believing we’re running on a hamster-wheel, and everyone else has “arrived.” Right now, I’m in a back-stage season. My next book doesn’t release until December of 2022. But I promise, I’m hard at work, though I have little to show. Progress is happening,…

  • Do Small Things Greatly

    Life is full of small things, isn’t it? I don’t mean snails and sand fleas. No, I mean the small choices we make, like taking care of our bodies, and tasks we complete, like home and work responsibilities. Since “small” or seemingly routine, non-earth-shattering items construct the majority of our time, perhaps they aren’t so insignificant after all. Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for daring adventures and if you’ve been following me here lately, you know I just returned from traveling two weeks in Italy. Everything in its place, right? Although life certainly has its mountain-top moments, it’s also good to adventure on the small scale. Truth is, God…

  • 6 Things Singles Need to Know about Marriage, Pt. 2

    If you missed last week, you’ll want to look back at the first in this two-part series by Tami Myer. In these posts, she maps out a beautiful and biblical perspective on marriage for Christian singles. Today, we pick up where we left off last time with the fourth thing singles should know about marriage. If this post is a blessing to you, please leave a comment below-or share it with your single friends to encourage them in their walk. *** #4. Marriage will not complete you. Single people are not “halves” waiting for their other “halves” to join them. Two single people are two complete people. But after a…

  • Olympic Dreams Start with Small Habits

    I always get excited about the Olympics, but this year, I’m especially eager in light of my recent ski trip. With my new perspective on snow sports, I know I’ll have a greater respect for winter Olympians and their skills. The games starting this week highlight the athletes’ best performances, but they don’t reveal the countless hours and early mornings that have led up to the moment. These athletes had to be intentional every day to take the steps and make the sacrifices necessary to reach this opportunity. You and I may never participate in the Olympic games, but we do have dreams God’s planted in our hearts. What habits do…

  • Want to Do More? Start Small.

    “I feel like I should do more for God,” a friend recently shared. However, she already has a full-time job and ministry commitments. How can she do greater things when she barely has time to sleep? I felt her frustration, because I’ve been there. For many years, I resented where God had me. My job wasn’t what I’d planned to do after graduation, and I didn’t feel effective or like I was making a difference. Slowly and painfully, I learned something that seems counter-intuitive: Our biggest influence is in small faithfulness now. But what if we don’t have much to give? Sometimes, the bank account may edge dangerously close to…

  • Live Wholeheartedly

    I love how God connects friends over the years and over the miles. More than a decade ago, I met Lyndsey when she married my older brother’s best friend (a great friend to my whole family). Today, they have a beautiful family of their own and live out west, but I keep up with them over social media. Lyndsey also works with the Wholly Loved team and invited me to guest blog on their site. I’m so excited she did! This ministry reaches Christian women spanning all walks of life. Their website says: We’re a group of moms, wives, and professionals who love encouraging women to discover, embrace, and live…