• Celebrating Firsts and All the Moments in Between

    First bath. First smile. First laugh. As a new mom, I celebrate all my baby boy’s firsts. First Christmas? I already have his mini stocking! But the truth is, firsts can be hard too. First boo-boo. First break-up. First accident. The challenge with firsts is that depending on our circumstances, we view them with either excitement or angst. But as with anything in life, we get to choose how we respond. That’s the lesson my character Kaley learns in Take My Hand. As a trauma therapist working on her master’s thesis, she has all the head knowledge she needs to counsel others about their problems. But when it comes to…

  • A Love Story of Eight Months and Beyond

    Right now, my gait is more like a waddle. I can no longer see my toes when I stand up, and if something drops to the ground, it’s dead to me. The definition of love that my college Bible professor gave me has taken on new meaning during my pregnancy: Love is purposing the good of another. Right now, everything about my body is purposing my baby’s good—regardless of my own comfort or lack thereof. During the pregnancy period, God teaches us moms to give up our interests for our baby and sets the tone for the rest of our lives as mothers. The short version: This life is not…