She Walked Before Us: Book Review & Giveaway!
Oh friends, I am so excited to share this book with you. She Walked Before Us by Jill Eileen Smith is a beautiful blend of biblical fiction and non-fiction, and I honestly haven’t read anything quite like it before. If you’re looking for a Bible study that will inspire and challenge you, look no further.
About the Book
Smith’s book is part Bible study, part biography, and part fiction. She examines the lives of twelve women from the Old Testament and breaks the chapters into sections. Some parts encourage the reader to imagine what these women’s lives might have been like, and other parts examine the biblical record or what we know for sure about them.
At the end of each chapter, Smith includes a reflection section for us to “ponder” and apply the lessons of these women’s lives to our own.
Why I Loved It
Each of these biblical women’s lives teach lessons relevant for our own, and Smith presented these truths with clarity and grace. Not once did I feel “preached at.” Rather, the book invited me to walk alongside these women and see what their stories could show me. In a sense, I felt mentored.
Another element I appreciated is that Smith doesn’t sugarcoat their lives. In fact, a few of these women serve as foils or opposites for what Scripture tells us to do. At the same time, Smith reminds us to view their stories with compassion, because we do not know the circumstances they may have faced.
Each woman’s story will likely touch readers in different ways, which is part of the beauty here. For me, Miriam and Hannah stood out. I want to share a few lines that impacted me.
Miriam: “It seems like there is always something that comes up that can cause us to either become dissatisfied and complain or lean into God and trust what we don’t understand.”
Wow. Have you ever struggled with a complaining spirit? I sure have. The challenge to lean into God rather than grow dissatisfied is one I need to remember. In Miriam’s chapter, Smith shows how God corrects our character and can bring about growth in us through the circumstances we are tempted to complain about.
Hannah: “I believe He can do the impossible. But I don’t know if He will.“
I nearly dropped the book when I read that line, because I’ve thought those same words more than once. I know God can do all things and nothing is impossible for Him. However, will He? In Hannah’s chapter, Smith challenges us not to give up on God and looks at the delicate subject of unanswered prayer.
How to Get Your Copy
She Walked Before Us is available wherever books are sold, and today, I’m also giving away one paperback copy.
To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. You could say why you think this book would be an encouragement to you or someone you know. You may also share my related posts on Facebook or Twitter. (Just be sure to tag me!)
A few considerations:
- You must be over 13 years of age to enter.
- You must have a US address. (Sorry to my international friends!)
- The winner’s name may be posted on this site and/or social media.
- While this contest may be shared on social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, this promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with these entities.
The giveaway runs through Sunday, January 17, and I’ll announce the winner on the blog and Facebook that week.
~ Kristen
Special thanks to the Blog About Blogger Network for hosting this giveaway.
All quotes are taken from: Smith, Jill Eileen. She Walked Before Us. Revell, 2020.
Congrats to the Giveaway Winner!

Congrats to Katherine for winning a copy of She Walked Before Us. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Katy Kauffman
I love taking in the application from the Bible’s stories, and I like the quotes you used. I’m glad you shared about it. Thank you!
Kristen Hogrefe Parnell
Thanks for your comment! It’s my pleasure. Applying these women’s stories to our lives is so encouraging and challenging.
Jeannie Waters
Kristen, this book sounds amazing. I want to study the women of the Bible more.
Kristen Hogrefe Parnell
Thanks, Jeannie! I absolutely loved it. Yes, there’s so much we can learn from them.
Annette Whipple
Oh, this does sound good with lots of life application! Thanks for the chance to win!
Kristen Hogrefe Parnell
You’re so welcome! Thanks for your comment. Lots of life application is exactly how I felt about this book.
Katherine Pasour
Sounds like a wonderful book. I felt a twinge when you asked the question about having a “complaining spirit.” Ouch! I’m working on that. Thanks for sharing about what is surely an inspiring book.
Kristen Hogrefe Parnell
Thanks for your comment, Katherine. I’m working on that too! You’re so welcome.