Adventures & Travel,  Faith in the Everyday

New Smells, New Year, and 3 Timeless Truths

I remember when I bought my first car after college. It had belonged to one owner before me and still had a faint new car smell. Even more potent was the feeling of buying a car for the first time. Perhaps you can think of an experience when life brought a “new smell.”

Today, we’re on the cusp of 2018. Perhaps 2017 was a year of tremendous blessing for you, but maybe, it also brought unexpected trials or changes that have been particularly hard. For some, looking over the year doesn’t leave a warm fuzzy feeling.

While reflecting on the past has its place, even more important is focusing on what lies before us. 2018 is a gift. It’s as if God is handing us the keys to a new car that will take us both exciting and unexpected places. There will be new adventures and challenges. There might also be some flat tires or even a fender bender along the way.

We don’t know what to expect when we pass the start line of a new year, but we can hold to God’s timeless promises that offer fresh hope in 2018.

Click here to read the full post. Special thanks to The Paige Project for the invitation to guest blog!

~ Kristen


God’s timeless promises offer fresh hope in 2018 – @kjhogrefe (Click to Tweet)