Adventures & Travel

Kristen’s Christmas Letter 2018

Hello, dear friends! I’m an old-fashioned girl at heart who loves sending and receiving Christmas cards in the mail. But since I’m preparing the largest bulk mailing of my life (i.e. wedding invitations), I thought maybe an electronic letter this year might be more prudent and achievable. That said, I hope you enjoy my Christmas letter and year-in-review. Please comments with your own favorite 2018 memories!

January: Ski Trip Adventure

Last January was my first time skiing, and no, this Florida girl is not a natural with anything having to do with snow. You may remember my first-time-skier takeaways post. However, I loved getting to see a winter wonderland, learn something new, and spend time with friends. My then-boyfriend, now-fiancé, actually helped teach me!

Church group ski trip

March Madness: The Revolutionary Release

March 20 was release day for The Revolutionary, sequel to The Revisionary. I celebrated with a Facebook party, giveaways, and all the fanfare that comes with a new novel. I hope you’re enjoying this series! If you haven’t started yet, there’s still time to catch up on the first two books before the final one releases next year. They’re available on Amazon.

Release day!

May and June: Blue Ridge & Alpha Omega Academy Graduations

In May, I traveled to the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference and enjoyed a busy conference about all things writing. I had the pleasure of rooming with my writer friend Ruth, so naturally, we had a blast. Plus, I was honored and thrilled that The Revisionary received the Director’s Choice Award and Selah Award for Speculative Fiction.

Receiving my Selah Award

These months are always busy with school and grading, but this year was extra exciting because my principal asked me to deliver both the virtual address and Orlando ceremony address. Getting to share my heart and God’s truth with seniors ready to launch out into life is always an honor and pleasure.

Alpha Omega Academy graduates

Oh, and I sneaked in a girl’s trip to visit my dear friend Rachel and her sweet family in Georgia, which is always a treat!

My friends Rachel and Devon

July: St. Augustine Summer Getaway

Summer is my favorite time of year but always breezes by! My brother, sister-in-law, and James planned a weekend retreat to one of our favorite cities, historical St. Augustine. This place never gets old.

Nothing says St. Augustine like a lion statue.

September: Italy!

Looking back on this month and the one month of planning for it in August, all I can think is, “Wow! Did that really happen?” Even now, I have to pinch myself. Traveling to Italy with my friend and colleague Maria was such a gift. A GIFT. Until then, I had only dared to dream that I could visit some of the settings in my next novel. This trip helped make those dreams a reality, and I can’t wait for you to read about more of them in the new year (and in my next book)!

Maria and I lived on gelato in Italy. That’s only a slight exaggeration.

October: Best Friend’s Birthday & Engagement Trip

When I think of October, I think, “My cup runs over.” The month started with a bang as friends and I celebrated my best friend Devon’s birthday in St. Augustine. Yes, I went to St. Augustine twice in one year. I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all! James taught my friends how to surf, and we splurged on donuts and coffee trips. Last, we toured the St. Augustine lighthouse, a gem.

Happy birthday to Devon!

Little did I know that James and Devon were already plotting my engagement! Later that month, James, Devon and I piled into his Subaru for a road trip to Beech Mountain to “see the leaves change.” There, in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina, he popped the big question, and I said yes! If you missed it, you can read all about that story here.

I said yes!

December: Wedding Planning, Book Release Prep, & Holiday Hush

Now, here we are in the few lingering days of 2018. As we prepare to start a new year, I’m busy getting ready for The Reactionary to launch in February, planning a wedding in March, and just … breathing. I want to enjoy this special time of year with my wonderful family and friends, so you may notice me offline and posting less this week and next.

I hope you’ll take some time as well to be still and grateful for God’s indescribable Gift, the very reason we celebrate Christmas.

Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas and New Year!

~ Kristen