Adventures & Travel,  Faith in the Everyday

If You Could Be a Superhero

superheroesIf you could be a superhero(ine), what would your super power be? 

A while back, our youth pastor challenged the teens in youth group to design their own biblical superhero, complete with name, super power, theme song, icon, etc.

Our high school girls created a superheroine they called Proverbs 31derwoman. I was so impressed with their idea, organized in such a short amount of time, that I asked some of them if they would be willing to tell us more about it here.

I’m excited that they said yes! For the next two weeks, you’re going to hear from Ashley, Hannah, and Victoria as they share what their heroine can teach us. This week, we’ll look at Proverbs 31derwoman’s profile, and next week, we’ll learn how to apply some of her qualities to our daily lives.

Profile: Proverbs 31derwoman

Her DNA: Scripture

Hannah: I view Proverbs 31 as a huge encouragement to all women. Whether young or old, this awesome passage of scripture impacts ladies and their decisions to fear God above all else, so why not make a super chapter into a super hero, right?

Victoria: Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain. She acts as a source to help fight against the temptation to participate in wrong doing. We wanted someone to help guide others in or to faith.

For reflection: Is God’s Word part of our DNA? Do we daily spend time with Him?

Her Role: Model Virtue

Ashley: Well, Proverbs 31 is the chapter about the virtuous woman; she is a fantastic example of a hardworking, faithful woman we should all strive to be like.

Hannah: Proverbs 31derwoman fears God above all else. She does not focus on how others see her … she simply lives for God and knows that is more than enough for her. That is why Proverbs 31derwoman makes such an awesome role model, because she knows what is important in life: fearing (standing in complete awe of) our God.

For reflection: This gal has her priorities right! I love what Hannah says: she knows what is important in life. Is this true of us, or do other distractions steal our focus?

Her Super Powers

Hannah: Proverbs 31derwoman swoops in when someone has doubt about his importance … Proverbs 31derwoman comes in and helps the individual realize that he is so incredibly important that someone even knows how many hairs he has on his head (Luke 12:7).

Victoria: She has the unlimited ability of trust and faith without sight. It would be awesome to have these, because I might have a better understanding of my faith. I always want to see it to believe it.

Ashley: She fought impurity. She was able to defeat the villain Impurimaximus. This would be useful because sometimes as teens, fighting this can be difficult.

For reflection: What villain are you fighting today? Is it a struggle for purity? For honesty? Combat your villain with the truth of God’s Word (just as Jesus did in Matthew 4).

Until next time

Special thanks to these three young ladies for sharing their faith creatively! I look forward to posting more of their challenge next time.

So I ask you again: If you could be a superhero(ine), what would your super power be? Please share your ideas in the comments below!

~ Kristen



A Biblical Superheroine: Proverbs 31derwoman -@kjhogrefe (Click to Tweet)

If You Could Be a Superhero – @kjhogrefe (Click to Tweet)