Free Preview of The Revisionary – Now Available!
Samples have taken a hit since Covid19 struck. I was in a beauty store over the weekend, and the sales clerk apologized that she could no longer give me a sample to find my perfect shade match but assured me I could return the product if I was dissatisfied.
Naturally, I understood, but samples can be so helpful in letting us determine if something is a good fit for us or not.
That’s why I’m excited to share this news! My publisher has released a special three-chapter sample of The Revisionary, available for free as an e-book! Maybe you’ve never read dystopian before and are curious if you’ll enjoy the genre. Or maybe you are familiar with blockbuster sagas like The Hunger Games and Divergent but are curious how a dystopia could offer hope for the future.
You can download your free preview directly from Amazon as a Kindle e-book, or if you prefer a PDF, you can download that version from my website by signing up for my monthly newsletter.
I hope you’ll enjoy this preview and get a taste of what dystopian fiction filled with hope is all about.
~ Kristen