All Things Bookish

Do The Thing: Book Review & Giveaway

I’ve been following Rebecca George on Instagram for some time and waiting for her book Do The Thing to finally become available. As those of us in the publishing world know, book publishing is a multi-year journey, but I am so excited for her message to now be in readers’ hands.

My Thoughts on Do The Thing

As a new mom, my time is short and energy is limited, but I craved finding moments to dive into this gem. Rebecca’s message is for us “go-getters” whose dreams and goals excite us–but also sometimes steal our sleep and peace. Her message on fighting comparison especially hit home, as the writing industry is full of setbacks and rejection, and it can be easy to compare our journey with someone else’s.

Another challenge I needed from this book is to take my thoughts captive instead of letting them take me captive. As Rebecca says, it’s far too easy to “get caught in thought patterns that aren’t encouraging my progress” (178). She walks us through how to take a thought-life inventory to help us silence our inner critic and turn toward godly thinking. I underlined so many thoughts in that chapter and starred this line: “Choose to conquer that spiral of negative thoughts and to agree with how God sees you instead” (183).

So. Good.

At the end of each chapter, Rebecca includes prayer prompts with space to journal (something we creatives love to do); Scriptures for reflection; additional space to journal about goals, gumption, and grace; and “manifesto” statements to orient our thoughts about ourselves and our “glory goals” heavenward.

In short, I loved this book and hope to return to its pages again soon.

Now, I hope you’ll enjoy this Q&A with Rebecca!

Author Chat with Rebecca George

Why did you write Do the Thing?

When I think about the last decade or so of conversations I have had with women and the themes that consistently come up, the topic of our “calling” is very common. I often see women struggle in the areas of insecurity, doubt, comparison and more. There are also moments along the way that can be tricky – when God calls us to something new, when we endure through a hard season, and/or when God prompts us to lay something down in order to create capacity for a new “thing” He has for us to do. I felt compelled to share my own journey and struggles in these areas and lead women toward the truth only found in God’s word that will help us walk through these moments with more confidence and clarity.

How did you know this is the message you were supposed to share with the world?

It was a common theme I would often see come up in conversations, within small groups I led, and with friends. As I began to explore writing a book, it felt like a natural place to start to continue encouraging women to have a gospel-centered perspective on their calling.

Who do you think would benefit from reading the book? Could it be done as a study – group or individual? Does it matter what denomination I am?

Any woman who desperately desires to see her work and her calling from a gospel-centered perspective and wants to be faithful in the hard moments that we all bump up against. The way it’s packaged makes it really easy to do as an individual or a group. There is an accompanying 6-session interactive video series that would be great encouragement along the way if you’re doing it alone (or a great way to kick off your sessions in a book club or small group setting).

I do believe women from different denominations would benefit from reading the book. At the end of the day, my aim was to look at the source, scripture itself, as our guide for the conversations we’ll have inside the pages.

I like the story on glory goals are never a cute little side hobby in the eyes of God. Would you talk about what is a glory goal and how to know that it is not a cute little side hobby?

A glory goal is my way of defining this “thing” we are searching for and hoping to be faithful in as we explore the content of the book. It’s the way that your gifts and talents can be used in this season to build the Kingdom and advance the gospel. Sometimes this might feel mundane (or even really big and scary), depending on your season, but it’s a way to define your calling a little differently.

I love that you ask this about “cute little side hobbies”. I think often, especially as women, it’s easy to make light of an assignment in our calling. Maybe we fear failure or just don’t want to intimidate others. Possibly it’s insecurity. However, no assignment given to us by God is “little” in His eyes. So we shouldn’t treat it as such either!

If there is one thing a reader takes away from the book, what do you hope it is?

I hope she walks away believing and knowing the character of God more deeply and, as a result, who He has made her to be. An outpouring of that truth will help us more rightly see the work He’s given us to do.

How can I access more content on the book? Are there videos? Where are they?

You can order on Amazon, B&N, and ChristianBook. There is a 6-session accompanying video series that is FREE with your purchase of the book via a QR code in the introduction. They are strategically placed after every 2 chapters in the book to give you some encouragement along the way.

How to Win Your Copy

Simply add a comment to this blog post and share either 1) your “glory goal” or what “thing” God has currently called you to do, or 2) why you think this book would be an encouragement to you or someone you know.

A few considerations:

  1. You must be over 13 years of age to enter (or have your parents’ permission).
  2. You must have a US address. (Sorry to my international friends!)
  3. The winner’s name may be posted on this site and/or social media.
  4. While this contest may be shared on social media sites such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, this promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with these entities.

The giveaway runs through Saturday, April 15, and I’ll announce the winner on the blog and Facebook the following week.

Blessings to you,


About the Author

Rebecca George is an author, a speaker, and the host of the popular podcast Radical Radiance. Her greatest joy is helping women pursue their passions in a way that builds God’s kingdom. In her free time, she loves running outside or trying a new recipe with Garth Brooks playing in the background. You can connect with her @regeccageorgeauthor on Instagram or at

About Do The Thing

Create with God what makes your heart come alive! Part practical guide, part inspiring manifesto, this gospel-rooted book for women entrepreneurs and leaders empowers you to discover and live out your calling.

Do you have a cause, project, or talent that you feel called to develop—but fear and busyness make it easy to put off pursuing that thing? Rebecca George is an encouraging voice in your ear saying: “Do the thing! Don’t waste another minute of this brief time you have on this side of eternity.”

Perfectly blending storytelling, encouragement, and biblical insight, Do the Thing beckons you to pursue the passions that stir your soul. On this journey, you will discover how to:

  • See your gifts and talents from a gospel-centered perspective.
  • Prioritize goals related to your calling as you move forward with gumption and grace.
  • Maximize your passions in the work you do every day.
  • Actively partner with God to serve Him and love others.
  • Overcome negative thought patterns so you can brainstorm, develop, and create with the confidence of a go-getter girl!

Today is the day to take a brave step in a purposeful direction, using God’s Word as your compass to do the thing He has designed for you to do. After all, if not now … when?

Each chapter includes prayer prompts, Scripture for further study, questions for reflection, action steps to move your goal forward, and accompanying videos (for individuals or small groups).

Get Your Copy

Congrats to Our Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to Faith for being the winner of the drawing for one copy of Do The Thing! Thank you to everyone who commented and participated.


  • Amanda Gardner

    What can I do ? Stop and listen to what God is telling me to do . Get that Bible out and study them words .

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      Thanks for your comment, Amanda! That is such good advice. I’ve entered you in the giveaway.

  • Suzanne Montgomery

    My glory goal is multifaceted. When I was a teen, God motivated me to become a medical doctor. This goal led me to many other paths, ultimately bringing me to my present goal of writing. It’s been an amazing journey with numerous highs but also devastating lows. God is my strength. I often wonder how people get through the tough times without Him. But this is why He gives us our “glory goals”—to reveal His strength overcoming our weakness.
    Whether a person is trying to figure out their “glory goal” or need encouragement to pursue it, this book would be a valuable resource either individually or in a small group.

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      I love that! Thank you for sharing part of your story and “glory goals.” I’ve entered you into the giveaway.

  • Donna Irvin

    What can I do?
    I pray for people whenever I see prayer requests onFB groups, church, etc. I feel compelled to do so.

      • Chris Manion

        I just typed a long response as being a Christ-bearer to others when I was asked to head up the Communion Ministry to the Sick and Homebound through our parish. My response disappeared. Please delete this if you already got it. Otherwise, I will persevere against any little evil technical minions of the Devil trying to prevent Jesus’ name from being proclaimed and say this Glory Goal was not one I chose but was asked of me by my 80+ year-old predecessor who needed to become caregiver to his wife. I love setting goals, but this one, requested of me, has become the highlight of every day I get to carry Jesus’ Body into nursing homes, private homes, and assisted living facilities where His children live.

        • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

          Hi Chris, I’m so sorry your initial response didn’t save, but I am so grateful you took the time to retype it. You truly have a special ministry, and I have no doubt you are a huge blessing to those individuals. I’ve entered you into the giveaway.

  • Sarah W

    Simple “Be Still and know that I am God”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So simple and how we neglect the being still time for prayer, meditation, and thought to clear our cluttered worlds. SW

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      Amen!! You are so right. Our worlds are too cluttered, and we need stillness in God’s presence. I’ve entered you into the giveaway.

  • Vicky D

    I am searching for what God wants me to do in this next phase of life. My husband retired due to Covid shutting down his company so we are both trying to determine where God wants us right now.

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      Thank you for sharing, Vicky. May God grant you wisdom in finding His next step for you! I think this book would be a big encouragement to you. I’ve entered you into the giveaway.

  • Faith Creech

    I love mentoring and discipling younger women. It is what we as older women are asked to do. I love to see them grow in their faith and their walk with the Lord.

    • Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

      Thank you so much for sharing and for the mentoring/discipling work you do! I’ve entered you into the giveaway.