Faith in the Everyday

Cone of Uncertainty and Giving Up Control

Last week, I had a hard time focusing, and this week started much the same. If you live in Florida, you may have shared the same problem.

When I stared at Hurricane Irma’s cone of uncertainty, I wondered how the storm’s path might impact me. Not having owned my home for even a year, I found myself wanting to hold tightly onto what I had little control to protect.

Though I’m grateful the storm didn’t damage my home, the experience made me realize I need to hold more loosely, not only to the things of this life, but also to choices and circumstances whose results I can’t control.

Because at the end of the day, control can be a struggle for many of us.

A good friend of mine kindly reminded me of my problem. She pointed out that I like to plan and prepare, and when I can’t, I tend to stress.

However, life presents many scenarios that blast at our insecurities. Maybe we’re faced with a choice, and we don’t know if it’s the right one or not. Maybe we don’t know which job to accept or which decision will be best for our family.

Recently, I read Lysa TerKeurst’s The Best Yes. It’s an amazing book on priorities, the power of the “small no,” and how to save your “best yes” for the calling God’s given you. If you’re a young adult or adult wanting guidance in decision-making, I’d encourage you to add it to your reading list.

TerKeurst covers all the bases of praying, exploring our options, and talking to wise mentors and family when making choices. However, there comes a point when we can’t let “analysis paralysis” keep us from moving forward.

Here’s what she says about taking that next step:

I don’t think we should fear stepping out of God’s will. But if you desire to please God with the decision you make and afterward it proves to be a mistake, it’s an error not an end.

An error, not an end. I love that.

We can’t control storms, nor can we control the outcomes of all the choices we make. But we can trust that if we suffer wind damage or disappointment, neither is an end in itself. By God’s grace, we rebuild and move on.

Praying for all those affected by Hurricane Irma.

~ Kristen


Cone of Uncertainty and Giving Up Control – @kjhogrefe (Click to Tweet)